4 June 2015

4 June 2015

coffee morning

Ja aqui havia falado dos eventos que as empresas fazem para angariar dinheiro para as caridades e este mes nao foi excepcao. Desta vez o dinheiro é para o Nepal.

We've already raised more than $16,000 toward Nepal earthquake relief efforts. With the campaign ending on 5 June, there's still time to reach our goal of $20,000 in employee donations.
The 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck between the Nepalese capital Kathmandu and the city of Pokhara on April 25 – the largest in Nepal since 1934. More than 8,600 people are reported dead. Thousands more were injured, and the quake destroyed homes, roads and key infrastructure. Our company has partnered with CARE to collect donations from our employees worldwide; The company will match employee donations by up to $20,000 in aggregate.

As minhas experiencias culinarias sao mais para casa mas la decidi fazer algo, Côcos ou Coquinhos - Coconut Cakes.

Receita / Recipe:

3 ovos / eggs
140g açúcar/ sugar
160g coco seco ralado / desiccated coconut
Raspa de 1 limão / lemon zest of 1 lemon

1. Numa tigela, misturar com uma colher o açúcar, o coco e a raspa de limão.
Juntar os ovos partidos um a um e mexer bem entre cada adição
Mix the sugar + desiccated coconut + lemon zest with a spoon, then add the eggs, one at the time, and mix all together.

2. Num tabuleiro de ir ao forno, espalhar as forminhas de papel. Em cada forminha, colocar colheradas de massa, sem encher demasiado.
Put the mixture into the paper moulds.

3. Levar ao forno pré-aquecido 180º e deixar cozer aproximadamente 15 minutos.
Pre heat the oven and leave them to cook for 15 minutes - 180º.

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