17 May 2015

17 May 2015

experiências culinárias

E porque a maior parte das vezes perco o papel onde escrevi a receita ou o sitio onde a li, ficam aqui guardadas algumas das experiências que fizemos nos últimos tempos pela primeira vez:

Spicy Oven-Roasted Chickpeas
2 (15-ounce) cans chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, thoroughly drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 - Heat the oven to 400°F and arrange a rack in the middle.
2 - Place the chickpeas in a large bowl and toss with the remaining ingredients until evenly coated. Spread the chickpeas in an even layer on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until crisp, about 30 to 40 minutes.

Poached Eggs

Fresh eggs


1 - Fill a saucepan with a couple inches of water. Heat the water on high until it reaches a bare simmer and bubbles start appearing at the bottom of the pan, or bring the water to a boil and then lower the heat until the water is at a bare simmer (just a few bubbles coming up now and then).

2 - Working with the eggs one at a time, crack the egg into a small bowl or cup. Place the bowl close to the surface of the hot water and gently slip the egg into the water. If you want, use a spoon to push some of the egg whites closer to their yolks, to help them hold together.
3 - Turn off the heat and cover the pan. Set a timer for 4 minutes.
4 Gently lift the poached eggs out of the pan with a slotted spoon and place on a plate to serve.

Green Scrambled Eggs

2 eggs
Spinach (1 full hand)

Crack eggs into a large bowl, add the spinaches and whisk until combined.
Heat butter/olive oil in a large wok over medium heat, add the eggs, season with salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon until soft curds form. Serve warm.

Bolo de Caneca no Micro-ondas
(1 bolo de caneca) 
1 ovo
3 colheres (sopa) de óleo
4 colheres (sopa) de leite
3 colheres (sopa) de açúcar
3 colheres (sopa) de chocolate em pó ou achocolatado
4 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo
½ colher (chá) de fermento em pó
Modo de preparo: 
1.Em uma caneca, junte o ovo e o óleo.
2.Em seguida, adicione o leite, o açúcar e o chocolate em pó. Mexa bem até incorporar todos os ingredientes.
3.Aos poucos vá adicionando a farinha de trigo, sempre mexendo.
4.Por último acrescente o fermento em pó e misture.
5.Leve ao micro-ondas por 3 minutos. Não se assuste se a massa do bolo crescer e começar a passar da caneca, ela não irá transbordar.
6.Retire do micro-ondas e se desejar sirva com calda de chocolate.

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