23 July 2016

23 July 2016

Trogir, Croatia

Saimos de Split de manhã cedo e conduzimos para Norte, Trogir foi a nossa primeira paragem e fica 27Km de Split. O parque de estacionamento é mesmo ao lado da feira e onde se pode comprar lembranças e um pouco de tudo. Nos compramos cerejas para o caminho :)
Trogir foi em 1997 listado UNESCO World Heritage Site. Se tivesse mais tempo ficava ali sentada na esplanada a ver os barcos.

Sightseeing in Trogir:
Trogir’s best sight is the Cathedral of St Lawrence on which building work started in 1213 on a site where a previous cathedral once stood; the main part of the cathedral was completed in 1250. The cathedral’s bell tower was built between the 14th and 16th centuries, and can be climbed to see fantastic views from the top. A must see within the cathedral is the Chapel of St John, built in 1468, and which is considered the best Renaissance sight in Dalmatia.
Part of the city walls, built between the 13th and 14th centuries, are visible today on the southern side of the city. In the middle of the city wall is the city gate, which was built in 1593.
A city loggia stands near the cathedral, constructed in the 14th or 15th centuries and the Cipiko Palaces, opposite the cathedral, were home to Trogir’s noble family in the 15th century.

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