14 December 2014

14 December 2014

cats of myanmar

Mal aterramos em Myanmar uma das primeiras coisas que nos apercebemos haver são cães que moram na rua. Andam por todo o lado, no meio da rua, nos passeios, nos templos, nas pistas de aeroporto (SIM, nas pistas de aeroporto, sabem quando estao sentados no avião e prontos a descolar e olham pela janela e quem é que anda a caminhar na pista mesmo ao teu lado? Um caozinho todo contente... safety first!!!
Crazy cat lady como sou, gosto de saber onde andam os gatos nos paises por onde passo, eu sabia que ia ver os Jumping Catas em Heho só não estava a espera de encontrar gatos em tantos outros sitios, principalmente nos templos (sitios onde muitos moram).
Por curiosidade:
The name 'Burmese' originates from the country of Burma where Wong Mau, who is considered to be the mother of the breed, came from. According to folklore, Burmese ancestors were kept as sacred animals in the temples and monasteries of Burma. They even had personal servants!
Burmese are strong, elegant cats of a foreign type with sleek, glossy coats. They are quite heavy, muscular cats with slender legs, neat, oval paws and a straight tail of medium thickness, which tapers to a rounded tip. The head forms a short wedge with a slightly rounded top and the ears are rounded at the tip. The eyes are large, lustrous and golden yellow in colour, without any trace of green
Burmese are low maintenance in terms of grooming as they have short, fine, satiny coats requiring little brushing or combing to stay glossy. Simple hand-stroking is normally sufficient, and something that Burmese not only enjoy but insist upon.
Temperament: home loving, friendly and affectionate, intelligent, loyal and devoted, playful and good with children and other animals.

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