Apesar de lhes termos também comprado uma fonte de água, com temporizador, e que se liga sozinha varias vezes por dia, quando chego a casa tenho a miss pedinte a porta da casa de banho para lhe abrir a torneira do lavatório, claro que isto tem de ser feito sem o NP ver, senão lá levo sermão, "porque compramos uma fonte, bla, bla, bla" por isso, só por curiosidade, fica aqui este texto que li esta semana:"Cats are odd creatures. While they can be cuddly and affectionate, they can also be neurotic and keep to themselves...What about when it comes to their drinking water? It turns out that cats are a little weird about their water.
They instinctively do not want to drink from a water bowl that is placed next to their food. This is because cats are naturally hunters despite the fact that they have been domesticated. In the wild, cats do not drink water that is near their kill because it could have been contaminated by their newly caught prey. Obviously, domesticate cats usually overcome this instinct and drink from a water bowl that is near their food, but the instinct is still there."
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