24 April 2012

24 April 2012


Deparei-me no Huffington Post com este artigo muito interessante no seu todo mas no meio e para a continuidade do tema destaco este parágrafo que abaixo transcrevo e que vai de encontro ao que tenho falado. É sobre a América e tirado um pouco do contexto global do texto mas adequa-se de igual modo...

"...Although America is the self-proclaimed "Land of Opportunity," many people here feel disappointed or even cheated when they aren't able to immediately fulfill their dreams: They equate "opportunity" with "guarantee."
...they fail to realize that the chance is the gift -- opportunity is priceless! The chance to be yourself, to choose your own path in life, to be happy on your own terms. Most people in the world have no chance; indeed, they have no choice. We do!"

Fica aqui o link se quiserem ler o resto

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